In addition to adhering to nutrition and daily routine rules that reduce the likelihood of disease, one should give up the addiction to tobacco and alcohol. Because Aquarius' health is vulnerable in the area of the shins and ankles, the stars advise you to avoid wearing high heels while on ice. The risk of fractures and bruises increases when the Sun is in Capricorn. Winter boots should be warm and comfortable, with thick non-slip soles.
Aries January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Taurus January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Gemini January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Cancer January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Leo January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Virgo January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Libra January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Scorpio January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Capricorn January 2023 monthly Health horoscope
Aquarius January 2023 monthly Health horoscope