the days between December 25 and 26 should be marked as favorable. New arrivals. Between the 27th and 29th of December, eat a draining diet. Allow empathy and intuition to guide you when interacting with collaborators or colleagues. Perfectly "unbalanced" between December 30th and 31st. With the Moon and Jupiter in opposition and Venus in quadrature, it is natural to feel a little more tense. Be dynamic while remaining present. As whimsical as ever.
Aries Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Taurus Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Gemini Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Cancer Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Leo Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Virgin Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Libra Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Scorpio Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Capricorn Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Aquarius Weekly horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope