Perform a series of cleaning procedures in order to celebrate the holiday fully armed. Professional skincare is essential for keeping your skin glowing, clean, and fresh.
Sagittarius will have no difficulties or problems at the start of the week. With the Moon in Pisces, it is best not to make any sudden changes; instead, stick to the routine. When the first signs of ARVI appear, rinse your nose and throat with an antiseptic solution to relieve the symptoms.
Don't dismiss your body's mid-week signals. Stomach problems are exacerbated by the Sun's position in Capricorn. If you're worried about sour burping, the Sagittarius weekly health horoscope suggests that it's a sign of high acidity gastritis. Get some antacids.
To avoid liver damage, Sagittarius should avoid eating late at night at the end of the week. The Moon's waxing gibbous phase is ideal for cleansing the body. Of course, you should not go hungry; instead, replace unhealthy dishes with a vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice. Make sure to consume detox smoothies.
Aries Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Taurus Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Gemini Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Cancer Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Leo Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Virgin Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Libra Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Scorpio Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Capricorn Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Aquarius Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Sagittarius Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope