To begin, cleanse your body of toxins by drinking at least two liters of water per day. Consume vegetables in moderation.
Scorpio will have a lot of important tasks to complete at the start of the week. Overloads are more difficult than usual with the Moon in Pisces, and there is a sense of internal discomfort. Even if you're pressed for time, set aside some time to meditate. You still have time to finish all of your plans.
Don't react to people who can drain your energy in the middle of the week. The Sun in Capricorn represents a period of uncertainty and fear. The weekly health horoscope for Scorpio suggests including figs and dates in your diet to increase vigor. They are high in magnesium, iron, and phosphorus, all of which help to strengthen the nervous system.
Scorpios will find themselves in the grip of hunches by the end of the week. The flow of energy is so strong during the Moon's waxing gibbous phase that it can be harmful to one's health. Ignore any nightmares you may have. The subconscious mind alerts you to potential problems, and the rest is up to you.
Aries Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Taurus Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Gemini Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Cancer Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Leo Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Virgin Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Libra Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Scorpio Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Capricorn Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Aquarius Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope
Sagittarius Weekly health horoscope (December 25-31) horoscope