The story begins with the young man, who is unnamed, waking up from a nightmare about the Sandman. He is unable to shake the feeling that the Sandman is still in his room, and he begins to see the creature out of the corner of his eye. The Sandman is a tall, thin figure with long, spindly arms and legs. He has large, black eyes and a wide, toothy grin.
The young man becomes increasingly obsessed with the Sandman, and he begins to see him everywhere he goes. He even starts to believe that the Sandman is following him. The young man's friends and family are concerned about him, but he refuses to tell them about the Sandman.
One night, the young man is awakened by the Sandman. The Sandman tells the young man that he is going to take him to his lair. The young man is terrified, but he is unable to resist the Sandman. The Sandman leads the young man to a dark, underground cavern. The cavern is filled with the Sandman's victims, who are all trapped in nightmares.
The Sandman tells the young man that he is going to become one of his victims. The young man begs the Sandman to let him go, but the Sandman refuses. The Sandman then puts the young man to sleep, and the young man begins to have a nightmare.
In the nightmare, the young man is trapped in a dark, endless void. He is surrounded by the Sandman's victims, who are all screaming in terror. The young man tries to run away, but he is unable to move. The Sandman then appears in front of the young man and tells him that he is going to stay in the nightmare forever.
The young man wakes up from the nightmare, and he is relieved to find that he is still alive. However, he knows that the Sandman is still out there, and he is afraid that he will never be safe.
"Where the Sandman Lives" is a disturbing and unsettling story about the dangers of nightmares. It is a reminder that our dreams can be just as dangerous as our waking lives.
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