Jim Goldberg - Raised by Wolves
For ten years Jim Goldberg worked closely with and documented runaway teenagers in the streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles. Through an epic book and traveling exhibition, he expanded upon a style of documentary photography using original photographs, text, and a variety of other elements such as homemovie stills, family snapshots, drawings, diary entries, and discarded belongings. Goldberg’s work tells profoundly human stories, looking at the beauty and complexity of human life that persists despite pervasive forms of social and spiritual poverty. This oeuvre documents the complex ways that people struggle to affirm their dignity and integrity when social circumstance, time and situation work against them. Indeed, the life and death of Tweeky Dave, the protagonist of the book, seems to be a metaphor for the inevitable decline of a society who offers to its youth no other ideal or religion than the act of consuming.