Once again, the years of economic boom make a difference in the fashion industry. Among the "return to the past" trends, the years 2000 stand out, with a presence in nearly all of the runways at this year's fashion week.
When we think back on those years, it seems impossible not to remember the elegant Jacqueline Kennedy, the first lady who, with her full-length gown, revolutionized the way women thought about fashion. Diverse for her incomparable refinement and extraordinary beauty, Audrey Hepburn, who captured the hearts of all of her with her interpretation of her in the iconic film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" with her slanted eyes and airheaded air.
Elegant coats coordinated with gloves and hats, starring dresses, suits, square-cut skirts, flashy necklaces and refined pearls, The 60s represent a historical period of great upheaval and experimentation, the rules of the past are uprooted and greater knowledge is achieved. People are becoming more informed, and they are not limited to the news that the media provides; they are interested in issues such as sustainability, environmental preservation, and social emancipation. Changes have also occurred in the manner in which purchases are made; for example, when not everyone could afford to make large purchases in the more upscale and expensive boutiques, the so-called Bazaars, where it was possible to find affordable prices and unique items, have proliferated.
It takes the vintage trend and the recycling of old garments, inside the shops you could find everything, pinafores, miniskirts, tights; the setting was inspired by pop art and space and science fiction themes, a different fashion that launches icons such as Twiggy, loved by