Where is the FedEx Tracking Number on a Label?
The FedEx tracking number is a 12-15 digit code that is used to track the progress of a package as it moves through the FedEx network. The tracking number can be found on the shipping label that is attached to the package.
The tracking number is typically located in the upper right-hand corner of the label. It is a combination of letters and numbers, and it is usually preceded by a service code, such as "1Z" for FedEx Express or "2S" for FedEx Ground.
Here is an image of a FedEx shipping label with the tracking number highlighted:
The tracking number can also be found in the FedEx tracking system. To track your package, you can visit the FedEx website and enter the tracking number in the search bar. You can also track your package using the FedEx mobile app.
If you do not have the tracking number, you can contact FedEx customer service and they will be able to look up the tracking number for you.
Here are some additional tips for finding the FedEx tracking number: